Saturday, September 26, 2015

Playing outside

Axel speaking on the phone showerhead to his captain from his boat bath. Note caravan steps from my parents being used to get into the boat. 

Elke using the spade as an oar, Axel steering with the taps.

The orange net looks like their fishing net.

The two older boys hanging out on the rock, jonas is cutting grass with a scissors. The colours were autumnal this morning.
The gang lining up.

Juno in a sling under my arm

Monday, September 21, 2015

Table tennis on a Sunday afternoon

Once in a while we clear the kitchen table and play table tennis. This tournament lasted 2 hours, it was great fun. Jonas is getting much better. We are thinking of getting an outdoor second hand table , we might find one on done deal.

 Juno had a ring side seat. 
Majella and Axel clapping the players on. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

September polytunnel...

Nastrisums everywhere 

Lots of growth
Yacons looking very good

A new one for us from the organic centre,  Oca

Apples in the tunnel

The peach tree gone mad!

Finally grapes on the vine, next year we will try and tie it up properly

The kids area, the fruit trees need pruning 

Tree spinach to the roof...

Outside in the field, a new bench beside our alder woodland area

Alder trees getting bigger

Nut tree

Elderberries eaten bybthe birds

Globe artichokes

I love the heads on the leeks, so pretty

The colours of the japanese acer

Elkes art work

This is me, Elke and Axel drawn by Elke age 4 and 9 months. 

Junos First Birthday..a trip to the zoo

We went to the zoo for Junos birthday

Celebrating with granny and grandad..