Friday, July 17, 2015

Belleek Caravan Park, Co. Mayo

It has been raining and windy since we arrived yesterday, we are booked in for 7 nights, hoping to get to a beach when the weather improves. The pair are still in good spirits wearing sunglasses despite the rain, see windows, colouring in and playing boards games with Daddy see below.

Lough Key Forest Park, Co. Roscommon

We stayed in Lough Key caravan park for 3 nights. This was our pitch number 21 under the trees. We got pitch 10 first which was too steep we couldnt push the caravan up it.

Elke made friends with a boy with long blonde hair called tirsten.  This is the road outside our pitch. We took the boat trip around the lake and went to Boyle church to Patrick Pyes painting The Glory Foretold.

Here is the pedal assist bike we hired and trailer for 42 euros for the day, well worth it. Myself and Steffen took turns cycling  around the woodland trails with elke and axel.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Aunty Margs visit, permaculture garden tour, entertaining 5!

My sister margaret visiting from the states with my aunty Nora. They are holding my cousin Anne maries gorgeous twins.

I couldnt find any pictures of Marg except this one, they must be on a different camera card.

My other sister Rebecca with Jonas and Steffen.

A forest garden i went to visit in Bray with Suzie Cahns Permaculture Design Course, inspiring truely.

Richard Webb our host, a really knowledgeable man.

I loved his stream that turned into a swale, it brought water to his outdoor veg  and tunnel. It was really beautiful. A bit too much lawn for my liking.

A picture of myself and Steffen 20 years ago. We love this picture it captures the love we felt very well.

We made fairy doors when it was raining outside yesterday morning.

The bag of all things crafty is on the table.

This morning, playing with the cars. Axel and Thorben.