Elke enjoying the sun in the grandparents back garden

Trying to keep the boys hats on is a full time job

Aideen under pressure assembling Thorbens Lego birthday present

Almost made after one and a half hours!

Three candles for our special boy THORBEN

Our hens enjoying the sun in the courtyard

Daddys birthday hug from his three little people

Been meaning to put this picture up for ages, my dear sister Margaret and her lovely husband Andy. This photo was taken after they got married in North Carolina, US at the start of the year.
We wish them a lifetime of friendship and love together.
No gardening pictures this week, we did lots of planting over last weekend 15 raspberry given to us by the folks. Most things have germinated inside the house now in pots on windowsills, we have moved our lettuce trays into the house as the polytunnel was getting too warm.
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