Monday, May 30, 2016

A pilgrim walk in Hollywood

We set off at 7am from Hollywood. First to St.  Kevin well to gather our thoughts and prayers with our parish priest Father Prenderville .Jonas is on the left in the photo above we had made it up the hollywood hill...It is steep.
This is me walking with a friend Ita.  We were encouraged to pick up stones to carry as intentions. Jonas carried a stone for granny and grandad and I carried 2 for ill friends. When we made it to the mass rock we put our stones at the foot of the mass rock for our intentions to be offered up at mass.
Bishop Eamonn Walsch said mass. There was singing. I would say there was 50 or 60 people there.  Maybe 35 of us did the two hour full hike from hollywood. It was a great experience very social and full of community togetherness. It was interesting talking to people along the way. The valley was magical and sunny that morning.

My little children at the weekend. Thorben and jonas below.  

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Holy Communion Jonas Klauer

 Our communion group. Grandad couldn't make it due to clashing a choir concert.
 The God parents  Bernd Zulauf and my sister Rebecca

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Weekend away in lough key

Jonas fishing in Lough Key
Thorben fishing
The smallest church in Ireland in memory of Mary Josephine Costello who is buried in it with her husband.
We hired bikes Majella and Becca came down too. Axel was on the back of Becca s bike. Me pulling trailer with Elke and Juno.
All in our caravan.
My dad with the kids at the Holy mary statue.
Mammy wrapped up in a cool hat out fishing with us.
Beautiful woods
Playground in the campsite
Thorben Juno and me early in the morning in bed.
Rebecca caught a pike on a spinner.
Scene from out the caravan window. Great campsite set in mature woods.
Youngest Klauer in the morning.
Folks relaxing with Axel