Thursday, May 22, 2014

Weekend away in May

We went away to Kilkenny at the weekend to a lovely campsite called Treegrove. The folks were beside us in their caravan.
1. Thorben smiling eatting kimerberly biscuits. Jonas cycling in the background and the folks caravan.
2. The folks caravan with kids sitting in their seats outside it.
3. Grandad with the kids hanging out.
4. The boys on the walk into kilkenny from the campsite.
5. There were free workshops on in the craft centre in kilkenny city, thorben is looking at the french knitting circle that he had added to, steffen and jonas are in the background doing a row with wool.
6. Kilkenny castle.
7. Our new caravan and awning.
8. The four little Klauers standing in a row. My favourite picture.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

March and April ...Thorbens birthday and various pictures

 Our lovely Thorben is now 5 years old....and a lemon cheesecake for his birthday cake made by his Daddy as requested
 We had visitors for Thorbens birthday celebrations...his godmother Anne Marie and Brother Hugh(all the way from Switzerland) and my Aunty Nora.
 Hugh with Axel reading
 The gang with the massive balloon Anne Marie gave Thorben , it lasted many days and when it deflated there was many tears when it went in the bin.
My god childs 2nd birthday !!

Gardening progress 
 The peach tree with blossoms..
 Our vegetables started in the poytunnel in trays and pots. The polytunnel will hopefully get new plastic next weekend, it has suffered much damage in the Feb storms.
Thorben at the pond
 Steffen working on our perennial bed, note the busy kids behind all helping load the mulch into the wheelbarrow.
 Hard worker, some needing seats to give rest and oversee works.
 The finished bed being watered by Elke. 
 Clogga Strand a family day out, Elke enjoying the sun.
 The whole gang
Planting leeks, onions, garlic, shallots with my helpers.
 Up the field at the pond. 

 All the kids at the many good afternoons making water falls and mud piles...

 All busy at the pond...

Our Jonas now 7 years old...and three teeth missing at the front..
 Elke s favourite resting spot near the pond..

 Aunty Becca with the gang..

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years Eve 2014

We met our good friend Orla and her husband Jimmy and their kids Ciara and Saoirse and Orlas dad Danny at Woodstock , Inistioge, County Kilkenny. Steffen gave me an amasing book of Heritage Trees of Ireland which contains this amasing Monkey Puzzle Tree Drive in it at Woodstock. We had a really lovely day there.
That is us in the background in the distance these trees are huge!!!!

That is me under a gigantium sequoia (spelt very ill indeed)

Jonas under some huge trees

A random picture of our very full pond over the Christmas break in the afternoon sun with the house and tunnel in the back ground.

A Champion Cedarwood tree for Ireland on the left hand side.

Orla with Saoirse in one of her lovely slings and me

The Noble Tree Drive in Woodstock