Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We got 2 new ducks and got our first duck egg of this year

The clouds were hanging low on the mountains during the week

Walking up the forest with Barry White the cat

Aunty Rebecca the golfer showing the boys her new golf clubs

Lego Rocks!!

Smiling faces

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Living A Simple Life

A lovely blue sky this morning
The polytunnel needs loads of work to get it ready for growing, its a real mess

Our onions and garlic

Lately i have got some great green links from my sister Margaret in the US on sustainable living. Living a sustainable life is something myself and Steffen are committed to, its just finding the time with working and raising three kids..but we can still make a real change to how we live by recycling, repairing, reducing waste and eatting local seasonal produce. (Rhonda of blog down to earth has some great advice to living simply).
We have had a vegetable patch for over 10 years, some years have been good and some have not been so good, mainly due to having a new baby to nurse or renovation works on the house. This year we hope to start again as everyone does in the Spring. We planted alot of trees before Christmas, 4 birch tress, 4 damsons trees, 15 cobnut trees, 4 holly trees and 40 metres of hedging (20 of it was permaculture hedging an edible hedge). We have two new beds to the front of the house and have onions and garlic in since last Oct. 2011. Reading some of these green bloggers blogs really gets you motivated, they have such inspiring stories....to be more green, more frugal, and to try and live a more sustainable lifestyle. As suggested in 1greengeneration, i think i will take the growing challenge of blogging from time to time about our growing projects. Even one extra plant is a real step closer to being more self reliant. What could be more important and relevant then preserving the planet for our children.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Working outside and inside

Varnishing a bench (a work collegue gave us)
The new roof on the duck house, the hens checking it out.
Dressed up to clean out the hen house.

Elke eatting her own yoghurt

Painting on a rainy Saturday at home

Potato stencils